{ "reporting_entity_name" : "HealthPlan", "reporting_entity_type" : "HealthPlan", "last_updated_on" : "2024-06-25", "version" : "1.0.0", "out_of_network" : [ { "name" : "INFLUENZA ASSAY W/OPTIC", "billing_code_type" : "CPT", "billing_code_type_version" : "2023", "billing_code" : "87804", "description" : "Infectious agent antigen detection by immunoassay with direct optical observation; Influenza", "allowed_amounts" : [ { "tin" : { "type" : "ein", "value" : "27-1208614" }, "service_code" : [ "20" ], "billing_class" : "professional", "payments" : [ { "allowed_amount" : 16.55, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 35.00, "npi" : [ 1104153998 ] } ] } ] }, { "tin" : { "type" : "ein", "value" : "26-1378424" }, "service_code" : [ "20" ], "billing_class" : "professional", "payments" : [ { "allowed_amount" : 16.55, "billing_code_modifier" : [ "QW" ], "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 44.00, "npi" : [ 1679065833 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 14.00, "billing_code_modifier" : [ "QW" ], "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 44.00, "npi" : [ 1679065833 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 16.55, "billing_code_modifier" : [ "59", "QW" ], "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 44.00, "npi" : [ 1679065833 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 14.00, "billing_code_modifier" : [ "59", "QW" ], "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 44.00, "npi" : [ 1679065833 ] } ] } ] }, { "tin" : { "type" : "ein", "value" : "27-0587283" }, "service_code" : [ "20" ], "billing_class" : "professional", "payments" : [ { "allowed_amount" : 16.55, "billing_code_modifier" : [ "QW" ], "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 38.00, "npi" : [ 1437260213 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 16.55, "billing_code_modifier" : [ "QW", "XU" ], "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 38.00, "npi" : [ 1437260213 ] } ] } ] } ] }, { "name" : "SARSCOV & INF VIR A&B AG IA", "billing_code_type" : "CPT", "billing_code_type_version" : "2023", "billing_code" : "87428", "description" : "Infectious agent antigen detection by immunoassay technique, (eg, enzyme immunoassay [EIA], enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA], fluorescence immunoassay [FIA], immunochemiluminometric assay [IMCA]) qualitative or semiquantitative; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (eg, SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 [COVID-19]) and influenza virus types A and B", "allowed_amounts" : [ { "tin" : { "type" : "ein", "value" : "75-2510007" }, "service_code" : [ "20" ], "billing_class" : "professional", "payments" : [ { "allowed_amount" : 73.49, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 204.00, "npi" : [ 1770048704 ] } ] } ] } ] }, { "name" : "OFFICE/OUTPATIENT VISIT EST", "billing_code_type" : "CPT", "billing_code_type_version" : "2023", "billing_code" : "99214", "description" : "Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or examination and moderate level of medical decision making. When using time for code selection, 30-39 minutes of total time is spent on the date of the encounter.", "allowed_amounts" : [ { "tin" : { "type" : "ein", "value" : "75-2510007" }, "service_code" : [ "20" ], "billing_class" : "professional", "payments" : [ { "allowed_amount" : 195.20, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 334.00, "npi" : [ 1770048704 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 126.60, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 334.00, "npi" : [ 1770048704 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 129.16, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 334.00, "npi" : [ 1770048704 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 155.00, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 334.00, "npi" : [ 1770048704 ] } ] } ] } ] }, { "name" : "OFFICE/OUTPATIENT VISIT NEW", "billing_code_type" : "CPT", "billing_code_type_version" : "2023", "billing_code" : "99203", "description" : "Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of a new patient, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or examination and low level of medical decision making. When using time for code selection, 30-44 minutes of total time is spent on the date of the encounter.", "allowed_amounts" : [ { "tin" : { "type" : "ein", "value" : "75-2510007" }, "service_code" : [ "20" ], "billing_class" : "professional", "payments" : [ { "allowed_amount" : 195.20, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 330.00, "npi" : [ 1770048704 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 113.00, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 330.00, "npi" : [ 1770048704 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 109.99, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 330.00, "npi" : [ 1770048704 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 155.00, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 330.00, "npi" : [ 1770048704 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 201.00, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 330.00, "npi" : [ 1770048704 ] } ] } ] } ] }, { "name" : "OFFICE/OUTPATIENT VISIT NEW", "billing_code_type" : "CPT", "billing_code_type_version" : "2023", "billing_code" : "99204", "description" : "Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of a new patient, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or examination and moderate level of medical decision making. When using time for code selection, 45-59 minutes of total time is spent on the date of the encounter.", "allowed_amounts" : [ { "tin" : { "type" : "ein", "value" : "75-2510007" }, "service_code" : [ "20" ], "billing_class" : "professional", "payments" : [ { "allowed_amount" : 164.85, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 503.00, "npi" : [ 1770048704 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 201.00, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 503.00, "npi" : [ 1770048704 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 195.20, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 503.00, "npi" : [ 1770048704 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 155.00, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 503.00, "npi" : [ 1770048704 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 167.86, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 503.00, "npi" : [ 1770048704 ] } ] } ] } ] }, { "name" : "STREP A ASSAY W/OPTIC", "billing_code_type" : "CPT", "billing_code_type_version" : "2023", "billing_code" : "87880", "description" : "Infectious agent antigen detection by immunoassay with direct optical observation; Streptococcus, group A", "allowed_amounts" : [ { "tin" : { "type" : "ein", "value" : "75-2510007" }, "service_code" : [ "20" ], "billing_class" : "professional", "payments" : [ { "allowed_amount" : 16.53, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 50.00, "npi" : [ 1770048704 ] } ] } ] }, { "tin" : { "type" : "ein", "value" : "26-1378424" }, "service_code" : [ "20" ], "billing_class" : "professional", "payments" : [ { "allowed_amount" : 16.53, "billing_code_modifier" : [ "QW" ], "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 44.00, "npi" : [ 1679065833 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 9.79, "billing_code_modifier" : [ "QW" ], "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 44.00, "npi" : [ 1679065833 ] } ] } ] } ] } ] }